23 de novembro de 2023, 17H00, online
Language: Portuguese
To be discussed —
(i) Desafios tecnológicos
(ii) Viés e as suas consequências
(iii) Ética na aplicação
Speakers biographies —
Catarina Silva (moderadora)
U. Coimbra
Catarina Silva is Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. She has a PhD degree in Computer Engineering, with 20 years experience teaching Computer Engineering BSc and MSc, while also supervising MSc and PhD students. She is a senior researcher at the Adaptive Computation Group of CISUC with machine learning and pattern recognition as main areas of research. More specific recent research projects on Transparency in AI in Finance (COST); Industry 4.0 Circular and Agile Manufacturing and individualized consumer preferences (H2020); Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning (H2020); Real-time monitoring of ambient air quality with low-cost nano-sensors (Sudoe).
Skilled at managing different sized projects and scientific entrepreneurships, involving people with different backgrounds, namely faculty, students, alumni, and companies. Author and co-author of 4 books, circa 20 journal articles and 100 conference papers. Scientific committee and paper reviewer of several conferences and journals. Board member of the Portuguese Association of Pattern Recognition, IEEE senior member of the Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE past chair of the Portuguese Section.
André Lourenço
André Lourenço é o CEO e co-fundador da CardioID Technologies, onde tem desenvolvido soluções que convertem a investigação em biometria baseada no sinal do coração (ECG) em produtos. Tem aplicado a experiência adquirida na industria, WedoConsulting (2001), Lusospace (2003-2005), Albatroz Engineering (2006) e mais de 10 anos de investigação no Instituto de Telecomunicações, onde desenvolveu trabalho no grupo Pattern and Image Analysis. Neste grupo, faz parte da equipa que concebeu o BITalino (www.bitalino.com) e o Vitalidi (www.vitalidi.com), exemplos de projectos de transferência de tecnologia entre a academia e a industria. Participou vários projectos em co-promoção com a academoia e industria (FCT, P2020, H2020). É licenciado, mestre e doutorado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e computadores pelo Instituto de Telecomunicações (IST). Desde 2005 é professor no Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), onde leciona na área da programação e processamento de informação, tendo supervisionado 23 teses de mestrado, e mais de 50 projectos finais de curso. É autor de 15 artigos em revistas internacionais, mais de 80 artigos em conferência e de 4 de patentes internancionais.
Hugo Silva
U. Lisboa, PLUX
Hugo is an award-winning inventor, researcher, and entrepreneur, having co-founded multiple innovative technology-based companies, operating in the fields of biomedical devices and data science for healthcare and quality of life. He completed his PhD in Electrical and Computers Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (UL), where he is currently an Invited Professor. Hugo is also a Senior Researcher at the IT – Instituto de Telecomunicações, to which he is affiliated since 2004. He is also one of the founders of PLUX – Wireless Biosignals, S.A. (https://www.pluxbiosignals.com/), a global reference in the field of medical devices, where Hugo is currently a Board Member and Chief Innovation Officer. Both at a technical and scientific level, he has actively contributed to and participated in more than 50 national and international projects, funded by grants from Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, Portugal 2020, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), and several other private and public institutions (e.g. Vodafone, Nokia, etc.). Hugo has 7 granted patents and published 240+ papers in peer reviewed journals, international refereed conferences, and book chapters. His main interest interests include biosignal research, system engineering, signal processing, and machine learning, and his work has been distinguished both internationally and domestically with several awards, including the “Career Award alumniIPS”, the “Best Industrial and Enabling Technology” at the European Commission’s DG-CONNECT Innovation Radar Prize, or the Ordem dos Engenheiros Young Engineer Innovation Award, just to name a few. Hugo is an IEEE Senior Member since 2018 and IEEE Member since 2010, affiliated with the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Furthermore, he is an active member of the IEEE Portugal Section, where he is currently Industry Relations Coordinator and a Vice-Chair position of the IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter. More recently, he has also been appointed Member of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) / Lisbon Unit for Learning and Intelligent Systems (LUMLIS).
José Machado
U. Minho
José Machado nasceu em Arcos de Valdevez, em 1963. É Professor Associado com Agregação do Departamento de Informática da Universidade do Minho. Os seus interesses de investigação abrangem os temas das Ciências dos Dados e da Inteligência Artificial. É um dos autores da plataforma AIDA, um caso de sucesso da transferência de tecnologia da Universidade para o exterior (hospitais), tendo recebido vários prémios nacionais e internacionais. Foi coautor da primeira versão do Suplemento ao Diploma na Comissão Europeia. É Diretor (desde 2017) do Centro de I&D ALGORITMI, Coordenador do Laboratório de Engenharia do Conhecimento do ALGORITMI e coordenador ERASMUS na UMinho de Engenharia Biomédica (Informática Médica). Foi perito de entidades científicas da Suíça, Canadá, Perú e Emirados Árabes Unidos, bem como do programa ALBAN, da FCT portuguesa e do MIT Portugal. Foi membro do Conselho Fiscal da Associação Portuguesa de Inteligência Artificial (2006-2013) e presidente da IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Secção Portuguesa (2020-2021). É senior member do IEEE.
Susana Vinga
Técnico, U. Lisboa, INESC-ID
Susana Vinga received a Mechanical Engineering degree (1999), a post-graduate degree in Probability and Statistics at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST-UTL), Biomedical specialization at Politecnico of Milan, and a PhD degree in Biology/Bioinformatics (2005) at ITQB-UNL (Portugal). From 2006-2013, she was a researcher in the Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics group at INESC-ID and invited assistant professor of Biostatistics and Informatics at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM-UNL). Between 2013-2018 she was a Principal Investigator (Investigador FCT) at IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), under this highly competitive program. Since 2018 she is an Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, in a joint position between the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI) and the Dept. of Bioengineering (DBE) and a Researcher at INESC-ID working in the field of Computational and Systems Biology. She has been (co-)supervising 6 post-doc, 10 PhD (eight defended), and more than 60 MSc Theses, several internships, and grant holders. She has published in high-impact journals, achieving an ISI h-index=23 (Google h-index=28), with over 100 publications. She has successfully coordinated as Principal Investigator three national FCT projects (DynaMo, HIVCONTROL, PERSEIDS), and participated in several national and European projects (FP7, H2020) as a team member and work package leader in the areas of Biotechnology (BacHBerry, SOUND). Since January 2021, she is the PI of the European H2020 Twinning project OLISSIPO – Fostering Computational Biology Research and Innovation in Lisbon, which aims to strengthen INESC-ID/IST research profile in Computational Biology. Her main achievements are in the development of methods for Genomics, where she coined the area of alignment-free biological sequence analysis and comparison in a review. She has continuously published in this area by proposing new metrics and entropy measures for DNA and proteins and was the Editor of a special issue of Briefings in Bioinformatics (2014) on this theme. In Systems Biology, she is currently working on model identification of biological systems, developing parameter estimation methods for ordinary differential equations, both for biochemical and gene regulatory networks, and intra-host HIV infection. She is also designing control strategies for these systems, with application in the optimization of personalized pharmacological therapies in translational research. Since 2021, she is a member of the INESC-ID Board of Directors, Vice-President of DEI, and Senator of Univ. Lisboa. She was granted in 2010 the Young Researcher Award of the UTL in the area of Informatics for the impact of her publications. In 2017 and also in 2022 she won the Prémio Científico da Universidade de Lisboa CGD in the area of Computer Science.
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