26 de outubro de 2023, 17H00, online
Language: Portuguese
To be discussed —
(i) Maturidade digital nas PMEs
(ii) Digitalização vs transformação digital
(iii) Desafios e oportunidades
Speakers biographies —
Américo Azevedo
Especialista em Estratégia e Gestão Industrial, nomeadamente em Estratégia de Operações, Transformação Digital e Desenho Organizacional. Tem sido responsável por variados projetos (de consultoria e de I&D) de âmbito nacional e internacional em diferentes sectores de atividade.
Participa ativamente nas iniciativas em torno das Fábricas de Futuro e nomeadamente nas atividades desenvolvidas pela EFFRA (European Factory of the Future Research Association). É membro efectivo do Advisory Board do EIT Manufacturing CLC West.
É Professor da FEUP no departamento de engenharia e gestão industrial e diretor de programas na Porto Business School.
Foi assessor da Direção do Inesc Tec, coordenador do CESE – Centro de Engenharia de Sistemas Empresariais, e atualmente é coordenador do TEC4Industry.
Luís Camarinha-Matos
U. NOVA de Lisboa
Dr. Luis M. Camarinha-Matos is Full Professor and head of Robotics & Manufacturing at the NOVA University of Lisbon. He is Director of the Center of Technology and Systems (CTS) of UNINOVA and leader of the Collaborative Networks & Distributed Industrial Systems research group at CTS. Also Coordinator of the PhD program on Electrical and Computer Engineering at NOVA. He has participated in many international and national projects, both as a researcher and as a project coordinator. He is a founding member of the PRO-VE and DoCEIS conferences series and the president of SOCOLNET – Society of Collaborative Networks. He is member of IFIP WG 5.5 (founder), WG5.7, and Domain Committee on IoT. Also senior member of IEEE, namely the Industrial Electronics Society and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. His main areas of interest include collaborative enterprise networks, intelligent manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, digital transformation, and elderly care. He has more than 500 publications in refereed Journals, conferences proceedings and book chapters. He has acted as an evaluator of proposals for several international funding organizations. He got the Doctor Honoris Causa by University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania (2009).
Miguel Mira da Silva
Técnico, U. Lisboa
Miguel Mira da Silva is a full professor of information systems at the
Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon, Portugal) and the coordinator of the Digital Transformation group at the INOV research institute. Miguel also coordinates an online master’s degree in enterprise information systems, as well as several training programs and courses.
He graduated and received an MSc degree in computer engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico, a PhD in computing science from University of Glasgow, a Sloan Fellowship master’s degree in management from
the London Business School, and more recently a habilitation in information systems from Instituto Superior Técnico.
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